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Tindell Baldwin »

Wandering Heart

Jesus came to die so we wouldn’t have to live in sin. Let that soak in. Our wandering is exactly why he came. He came to secure a place next to him. He made us perfect in him so that we wouldn’t have to live apart from him. Yet we do, we choose to put other things before our savior.

I am down at the beach this week and have managed to read 200 pages of a Nicholas Sparks book (that is awesome) but have only managed to read my bible twice. It is sad to me that I can care so strongly about so many things but when it comes to growing in Christ I tend to say, there is always tomorrow. I tend to think that if I haven’t made it to the top of the spirtual totem pole then i’m just drowning. Thats not true though. God doesn’t ask us to be perfect, he did that for us when he came and died, he only ask that we strive towards him. Our striving is a sign that Christ is working in us.

John piper said it well in my devotional this morning when he said, “being on the way is proof that you have arrived.” All Christians are running a race towards Christ and when you get there he is going to tell you how you ran for him. What he says is up to you. Will you strive harder, pray more,  learn, or will you stay stagnant. Will you walk the race stopping along the way? What will Christ say to you when you cross that finish line. I want him to say to me, ” well done my good and faithful servant.”

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