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Tindell Baldwin »

Give Grace

There will be times in your faith that you come back to the painful conclusion that you are human. No matter how much time I spend with the Lord I can’t shed my humanity. There are things to remind us of this everyday, a slip of the tongue and your back to your old ways. This is why it is so important not to put your faith in humanity. Religious leaders will fall, parents will disappoint, and friends will leave but Christ will never fail you. This might sound trite but anyone who has placed their faith elsewhere has left church broken and abandoned. We cannot trust in humanity because it is fragile.

When I landed in Atlanta I heard another sad story of failed humanity and I have a feeling it will affect a large number of believers. We can’t run from our nature and we can’t deny that we are sinners, the minute we do we will find ourselves in a puddle of sin with no where to run. God created us to depend on him and in that dependence we become like him but still human. Even the greatest believer has fallen to temptation and if you think you are immune get ready to fall. We are all broken and needing a Savior, no one can escape that fact. There are too many disappointed believers wondering how the church could fail them. Humans fail, a fact we often forget. Grace is God’s standard, for one and all. He gives grace to us so we should give grace to the fallen. Give grace when you want to judge and grace when you disagree with how people behave. Give grace and we can all become a little more Christlike.
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