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Tindell Baldwin »

The Table

Let me start by saying that I have fully expected God to show up. I have been praying for signs and voices for the past few weeks. Every time we look at a new house or talk about our future I wait to hear the audible voice that I assume will direct me on my way. Then this morning I realized I clearly don’t know God as well as I thought I did.

One of my least favorite, but effective, things my parents did when I got in trouble (which was a lot) in high school was sit me down at the kitchen table and talk about the “Whys”. They wanted to know why I was doing the things I was doing instead of just what I was doing. They knew what I was doing but they wanted to know why because they cared about me. I was always grounded at the end but in those moments I knew they really loved me.

God does the same thing with us. He sits us down at the table and wants to know why. He doesn’t debate with you he just listens. He wants to know why because he loves you and he cares what you think. The day I demand God send me a sign from heaven without first talking it through with him is the day I have forgotten who God really is.  God wants to be involved in our decisions!

In my bible study this morning I read a story in Luke where Jesus walked with two men who were complaining that Jesus hadn’t shown up. It was only after they had gotten everything off their chest that Jesus revealed who he was. I don’t know but I imagine he wanted to give them the chance to vent… like any good friend.

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