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Tindell Baldwin »

Grace in Brokenness

Oh the brokenness that creeps into our soul without our knowing, it pours into relationships, alters our perception, and leaves us searching. This hole, this ache, this need to be filled but by what? We have all experienced the back lash of someone else’s brokenness that has left us hurting. We think they might be the one to fill us, define us, or possibly save us from ourselves. The truth is when broken people try to fix each other’s brokenness we just make a mess of the whole thing. We need a Savior, someone who needs nothing from us but gives us everything in return.

You and I we were born with a heart condition, a hole, a broken piece that needed mending so we wandered. From friend to friend or boyfriend to boyfriend or thing to thing begging someone or something to make us whole and give us life. It’s why we suck the life out of people we love, suck our bank accounts dry, or search for happiness at the bottom of a bottle.  Doesn’t matter what your family life was like, how many friends you have, or who you are dating without the healer our wounds just gape. Our solutions are bandages and we have  lots of them, like mummies hiding a corpse, but God is offering the ointment. Perfect and healing he offers us something the world only pretends to have, life.

“The Lord is my portion”, says my soul, Therefore I will hope in him” lamentations 3:24

There it is the recognizing of the need and the answer to our souls desperate search. So I can stop expecting other things or people to fill my void. I can have grace for others brokenness because I know I have it too and when people fail me I can understand that brokenness causes broken people. So we let grace run wild and praise the Lord he came this very time of year to give us an ointment for our wound. We recognize that life is given by the one who is whole not the ones who are shattered.

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