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Tindell Baldwin »

Happy Birthday Mom

Tomorrow my mom turns twenty one, OK maybe not, but in spirit she is still as young as ever. Sadly I will not be there to give her a big hug and tell her how much she will always mean to me but I am hopeful that in the coming birthdays I will be there. I’m never sure how to thank my mother for all she has done for me, its like trying to repay a million dollars with a penny, its never quite enough. How can you thank someone for molding you in the person you have become? How can you thank someone who is so selfless despite years of pain? The world told my mother that she had every right to demand of us that she be first but not only did not she listen but she applied God’s teaching of others first and she practiced it in every area of her life. My mom is the lifeline every one needs but will only call a few when she is really hurting. She makes friends every where she goes and I don’t know one person who isn’t blessed by her presence. To the outside her job might have looked trivial, a mother of four, but her legacy is endless. Her family is already at ten and still growing and each one of us has risen up and called her blessed. My mom has truly embraced the concept of living out God’s will. Each and every day she reaches out to those around her in the small ways that really matter, she loves the people who are often forgotten. She loves the lady at the dry cleaner, the workers at her favorite stores, the bank teller, and anyone else she meets along her way. I believe my moms palace in heaven will be on a hill over looking the view so she can see some of the beauty she helped create, people that she met a long the way and with a loving smile and pointed them to God. People often forget the little things that God has asked of us, considering them to unimportant, always waiting on the big task God wants of us not realizing that we can only do the big things when we have grasped whats really important, loving others. My mom knows this, she is obedient in the small things and for that I know that she will be rewarded greatly.

If i had it my way my mom would always stay on this earth but I grasped the sad fact a long time ago that one day God will eagerly call her home but she will not leave in vain. I will strive to live as my mother has lived, love as my mother has loved, and teach how my mother has taught me and if I only make a pin prick of an impact compared to the one my mom has made on me then I will be satisfied. If my children love me a fraction of how we love our mother then I will have lived a satisfied life. If I can really get my worldly head around the fact that serving others is really satisfying then I will tribute it to my mother and thank God that I have learned what really matters.
My mom has come a long way in here twenty one plus some years on earth but the journey has really just begun. Hopefully surgery will remove the thorn she has been carrying for twenty one years and for the remainder of the time she can do somethings she gave up in her strive for selflessness but I do know one thing, no matter where my mother goes people around here will see the Jesus this world so desperately needs. They will see the ray of hope that my mother has kept alive in her diligent quest to be faithful to God. Days like this make me thankful that there is a heaven so that people like my mother can be re payed with more than penny’s, they can hear the creator of the universe say “Well done my good and faithful servant”.
Happy Birthday Mom! I love you more than words can express!
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