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Tindell Baldwin »

Plane Ride From Georgia

My parents come in town in less than twenty four hours and my heart beats with joy. It hasn’t even been that long since i’ve seen them but I like having them where I do life everyday. At first I couldn’t imagine moving more than two hours from my parents and now I am over 800 miles, which in case you are wondering, makes running home to mommy and daddy not so easy. I am content now, only by the power of God, and happy in the life we have created here in Houston. We are living proof that God is faithful. Because it was in one community service project that we met the people who would become our best friends. 

The first time I met Jessi she was shooting hoops with the rest of the boys and doing way to well. Every time she would make a shot her husband would give her a slap on the butt or a peck just to show a little support. I gagged. I was in a deep stage of bitterness and I wasn’t ready for one happy couple to bring me out of it. They did though, over the week Jessi’s bright smile and joy for the Lord made me realize I needed to get to know this girl. After our first day Ben asked me if we could go out with Jessi and her husband Matt, I shrugged, sounded fine to me. I was hesitant at first, I told him she was too peppy and i am not a peppy person to which he told me that I needed a little pep in my life. After we hung out once we bonded and learned that we were each praying for a friend and in Gods faithfulness we had received that. 

Tiffany was there those few days too. She was one of the brave ones who dealt with the small children. She had the kindest smile and something about the way she talked to the kids made me know she was very tenderhearted, that and the fact that she told she cried at almost anything. Her wedding was only a few weeks away and I prayed after it was over that we could bond. We did and now we spend our days off together walking and shopping if our husbands allow. 

My point in all of this is that God is faithful, it took us a year to have a community but it is exactly what we needed and only God knew how to orchestrate it. A year ago I was on the brink of giving up on my marriage, my faith, my life really. I wanted to crawl in a hole and never wake up and I shudder now to think about all that I would have missed: the good times with my husband, the girls night, the lessons, and the joy of knowing God cares. 

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