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Tindell Baldwin »

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I’ve started volunteering at a Pregnancy Help Center in Katy and am learning more than I ever thought possible. My eyes are being opened to the depth of the lies that Satan is telling the younger generation. I wish I could say it has driven me to change but really it has just depressed me. It feels very overwhelming seeing girls who need so much saving but then again i’m not there to save them just to point them in the right direction. Everyday I have to remind myself that i’m not a Savior I am only a tool. I want to be their savior. I want to offer them saving but that isn’t my job. My job is simply to point them in the right direction and remember the depth to which Christ saved me from. So today I am editing my book and reminding myself how badly I needed saving. I wrote this awhile ago for my book but I just wanted to share it.

We like to keep prostitution in a sex box and pretend that’s all that is. However prostitution could be seen as simply giving yourself in exchange for something else. You lose a little part of you with each transaction.  A lot of things are asking for this kind of transaction, putting a price tag on something that has no monetary value. There is no amount of money that could be used to buy you, if there was then why would Jesus have hung on a cross? He wanted your heart, if it was that easy why not pay for it and be done with it? Because your value is the death of a God-human, the only thing worth your heart is a sinless man dying on a cross. Next time some guy grabs you and gives you a sly wink give him two pieces of a tree, three nails, a hammer, and a crown of thorns and tell him to prove it. Prove that he can pay the price that it takes to get your heart.   
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