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Tindell Baldwin »

A Mothers Day Prayer

Dear God,

I want to remember how sacred this task is.

How the task of teaching tiny image bearers is not menial but eternal.

God I want to see their little hearts for the blank slate that they are. 

I want to remember the power of my words before they leave my lips 

not when the damage is done. 

God please give me eyes filled with heavenly perspective not daily duties. 

God lift the veil of busyness that clouds the importance of every small moment. 

God strip me of my pride, the pride that tells me I am able to do it all, 

the pride that takes credit for the heart change you unleash. 

Please forgive me for this pride that often whispers “you can do it all”

instead of the truth that I must bow low before you and ask daily for help. 

God I beg you to humble my heart. 

Fix my posture as one where I am no more important than the tiniest of humans in my house.

Humble me when my understanding feels greater and my heart grows hard to holy moments happening right in front of me. 

God please equip me. 

Equip me in endless conversations and late nights. 

Equip me in the middle of sibling rivalry and homework frustrations. 

Equip me in the day to day tasks that hit me like ocean waves… one after the other. 

Equip me when my body Is weak and my heart is hard. 

Pull away all the distractions and turn my head to see the beautiful days you are inviting me into. 

God forgive me. 

I am not too good for this. 

My higher education and deep desires do not make me less of a candidate for serving. 

No, Lord, my call is to lay down this small life I have and to pour out myself. 

In each second I am called to bow low to your holy name. 

My calling Lord, I know, is high, to love others and love you with my whole being. 

You’ve created me to serve my creator first and in that service to love his creation. 

God I see that I am your servant. 

I am unworthy of your grace and mercy. 

I did nothing to earn the forgiveness you poured out through Jesus sacrifice 

I, in turn, can spend all my days in service to your creation as a love offering to you and know a grander story is taking place. 

A story yet to unfold before my eyes but being written by my works nonetheless. 

You are a God like this, one that invites all the servants to enjoy the feast. 

In turn I will be grateful. 

So God multiply my love and affection to the people I serve no matter their reaction to my service. 

Fill me with holy happiness in the most mundane of minutes. 

Breathe fresh life into worn out hands that wash the same dishes and fold the same laundry. 

I know that these days will happen one tiny minute at a time that add up to a lifetime.

A lifetime that will be told by others and remembered with either great fondness or great hurt. 

Lord, with your help it can be with great joy that my

children remember these days.  

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