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Tindell Baldwin »

I have to confess I have been a bit of a baby lately. I have not gotten what I wanted and this morning I flat out told God I was mad at him. It wasn’t the first time but this time I said it with a passion that surprised even me. The truth is I have broken dreams and I mad about it. I have dreams of living down the street from my parents and siblings instead of 900 miles away. I have dreams of having a 9-5 that will fulfill my need to be someone in this big world. I have a dream of having a marriage with little conflict and lots of butterflies and rainbows and I have a dream of not having depression. I have lots of dreams.

Recently my prayers have been that my dreams will come true. I pray that I will be healthy, happy, and problem free. I have prayed daily for my dreams, what never occurred to me though is that my dreams and God’s dreams have not lined up. I have not bothered to worry about what God’s dreams for my life are just what my dreams for my life are.
The truth is that our God is a God of breaking dreams but only to mold them into something better. I dreamed of a 9-5 and he saw me writing, I dreamed of a cozy house in Atlanta and he saw me writing a book for him while alone in Houston,  I dreamed of a blissful marriage and he saw a chance to mold me into a woman of God, and when I saw depression and he saw a chance for ministry.
When pretty Kay Arthur told me that God will break my dreams I was angry, I didn’t want to think the God I loved so dearly would do something so harsh, but now I can see he only does it to protect me from myself. My dreams are important to him but what is more important is that I glorify him. I recently had lunch with a sweet friend of mine from Houston and her daughter. Her daughter told me that the one thing she got out of passion Ft. worth  is that, “everything in my life should glorify God.” I smiled and nodded and fully agreed but when I took a closer look at my life I saw that I wasn’t living that way. I wasn’t sacrificing what I wanted for what would glorify God most. This sweet girl had just broken up with a guy she really liked because their relationship wasn’t most glorifying to God. I on the other hand was spending my quiet times whining about moving back home. I couldn’t see that God still needed me in Houston. God will break your dreams but only with the intention of doing something better for his kingdom.
So this morning, after one very stressful dentist apt and a lot of tears, I told God I give up. I told him he could have my dreams as long as he did what glorified him the most. I know that might mean more months in houston, a lot of hours in a coffee shop rather than an office building, rocky days in my marriage, and years of depression but in the end living for him is the only thing that will satisfy. In the end even if all my dreams came true if I didn’t glorify him them it would mean nothing. In the end days are fleeting and trials pass but the glory of God will never fade.
Psalm 57:10-11
10 For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
let your glory be over all the earth.

My mom is still sick. For someone who has committed my life to following Jesus that is hard for me. My mom is still sick. My mom loves Jesus and she is still sick. My mom prays daily and she is still sick. My mom loves others and she is still sick. That frustrates me. For a long time I was mad at God, mad that he hadn’t healed my faithful mother because if anyone deserves to be healed it is my mom (what every child thinks). I held this grudge that God didn’t love my family because he didn’t bring healing.  Often I would withhold my love from God because he had with held his healing from my mom.

We went on vacation this last week and yet again she was sick almost all week. She has to take a lot medicine just to be able to function and my beautiful mother’s spirit is sometimes broken by her illness. It kills me. I physically hurt for her sometimes, I want to take the sickness from her but I can’t and I have come to believe God hates watching my mom sick as much as I do. This morning he confirmed that for me. 
I am reading John Piper’s book 50 Reasons why Jesus Came and Died and reason # 18 is to heal us from moral and physical sickness. In part of the passage he says, “The way that Christ defeated death and disease was by taking them on himself and carrying them with him to the grave. One day all disease will be banished from God’s redeemed creation. There will be a new earth. We will have new bodies. Death will be swallowed up by everlasting life. And all who LOVE CHRIST will sing songs of thanks to the Lamb who was slain to redeem us from sin and death and disease.” 
Let me say that this isn’t a new concept for me. I have known that when my mom passes that she will have a new body and will no longer be in pain but knowing Christ experienced that with her is a new thing for me. Knowing that on the Christ he felt the pain of sickness shows me a love that can’t be competed with. Jesus knows my moms pain and he hates that. He wants her to be well as much as we all do and because of that he took on disease at the cross and bleed for the sick. His heart bleeds for your sickness as much as it does my mom but take heart Jesus has defeated it. Jesus has taken your sickness so that one day you can pain free and praising the one who took your pain. 
  • mary ramsey barwick - I remember when your mom was sick. It was when we (really your dad and I) did youth ministry together at JFBC. I have thought of her a lot and wondered if she was still suffering like she did back then. I even fb-ed her one time, not too long ago, so that I could hear of her past struggles and how she coped with them. Not knowing she was still suffering. We never got together and now that we are in WV, it would be really hard to meet for lunch. Please tell her that she is on my mind and on my heart. How I love love love your mom and dad and your entire family.
    When I sent your mom the message I wanted to get her perspective on living with suffering and illness because I am living with it now. I don't know if you've read my husband's and my blog ( but it explains my husband, Andy's, life with disease, unanswered questions, doctors' lack of answers, my pain and struggle as his wife and so on.
    It almost seems too much to bear as times. And recently it feels like it's REALLY to much to bear.
    I did like your blog but I have to be devils advocate (because that's just where I am right now–disillusioned, probably bitter (I just don't want to admit it right now) and many other things.
    I understand that Christ suffered our illnesses and our disease. But it was only for a short while. three days was it. And now he's sitting at the right hand of God. If we took on the sins of the world and the disease and suffering we would I'm sure DIE from the heavy dark burden. But if we didn't die and we truly could take it all on, don't you think we could handle it for three days. If we knew we were going to be in paradise soon after. Just a thought from my broken and struggling mind. I hope you don't mind me sharing it. These days I have a lot of questions and I'm learning more and more I don't have answers, even though there are a lot of answers out there, I'm hesitant to believe. Probably because, like you said, the sickness is still around, it's still with the ones you and I dearly love.
    Know that I love you and I think of you often.
    Thanks for your blog and its timeliness.
    Tell your entire fam I said hello.

  • Tindell Baldwin - Mary,

    Thank you so much for sharing. I wish I could give you answers to heal what pain you and your husband have truly suffered. I can only assure you that the reason we will live with suffering is because we live in a world full of sin. Christ died for us even though he knew no sin and we live in sin daily. This world is broken and with a broken world comes disease and pain. My mom suffers daily but that doesn't mean God doesn't love her and hurt for her. That is why he died so that he could change that. He died so that one day we could be in paradise with him. I can promise you that God hates your suffering as much as you do. He hurts for, he weeps with you, he wants so badly to step in and take it but all in his sweet timing. Something we have learned in all of this is that God does everything in his perfect timing. My moms struggles have ministered so much to others, like you, and your husband is ministering to others who suffer. God has given us a great honor when he uses us to show his love and truth to others we just don't always understand his method.

    Psalms 22: 24 says
    24 For he has not despised or scorned
    the suffering of the afflicted one;
    he has not hidden his face from him
    but has listened to his cry for help.

    Isaiah 53:3-4
    3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
    a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
    Like one from whom people hide their faces
    he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

    4 Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,
    yet we considered him punished by God,
    stricken by him, and afflicted.

    Take heart mary! He knows your suffering and he has overcome it!

    All that to say I dont diminish your pain and there are many days that I am bitter (those just don't make great blogs) I just have to trust there is a bigger plan in all of this.

    lots of love,


Jesus came to die so we wouldn’t have to live in sin. Let that soak in. Our wandering is exactly why he came. He came to secure a place next to him. He made us perfect in him so that we wouldn’t have to live apart from him. Yet we do, we choose to put other things before our savior.

I am down at the beach this week and have managed to read 200 pages of a Nicholas Sparks book (that is awesome) but have only managed to read my bible twice. It is sad to me that I can care so strongly about so many things but when it comes to growing in Christ I tend to say, there is always tomorrow. I tend to think that if I haven’t made it to the top of the spirtual totem pole then i’m just drowning. Thats not true though. God doesn’t ask us to be perfect, he did that for us when he came and died, he only ask that we strive towards him. Our striving is a sign that Christ is working in us.

John piper said it well in my devotional this morning when he said, “being on the way is proof that you have arrived.” All Christians are running a race towards Christ and when you get there he is going to tell you how you ran for him. What he says is up to you. Will you strive harder, pray more,  learn, or will you stay stagnant. Will you walk the race stopping along the way? What will Christ say to you when you cross that finish line. I want him to say to me, ” well done my good and faithful servant.”

Last week was Palm Sunday and as I sang hosanna at the top of my lungs, off key, I imagined myself being at Palm Sunday. I could see myself laying down the palm branches and shouting at my savior but at that same moment I could feel God telling me, “but you were also their on good friday.” I am the same fickle woman I have always been, one day laying down palm branches for my savior and the next day walking away, leaving him on the cross to hang.

It pains me to say this, I wish my devotion was pure and constant but in the midst of life I often forget who brought me from ashes to beauty. I tend to forget that from the great heights I have fallen and just remember my glorious return. I often don’t give credit where credit is due.

Yes it was long ago that men praised Jesus and then begged for his death but don’t we do it almost every day. Don’t we lift our hands in praise to his holiness then treat our spouse with resentment and hate. Don’t we have our quiet time and then forget to spread his holy name. Don’t we do so many things that contradict the praise that comes from our lips and the actions we then take. Man is fickle, our preacher said on Sunday, but God is Faithful, how true that is. We change our minds daily but God never changes his. He know’s you will love him then deny him but he never changes his mind about you. He always loves you no matter which part you play this weekend. Whether you are like me and can’t keep our mouths straight or you just standing by watching. Either way this easter is for you. The pain he suffered and the cross he bared is for you and no matter what our mouths say that truth will remain the same.

I have always thought that to succeed you really just need one person believing in you. When you are young it is crucial to have someone in your life speak truth to who you are. When I was sixteen I was consumed with myself and what I could get. I wasn’t adding much to the world except a few F bombs and a large amount of Abercrombie perfume to the already soaked halls of my high school. My point is no one had any reason to believe I would amount to anything. I drank like a fish, talked like a sailor, and wore enough blue eyeshadow to paint a wall. I was a pretty typical a teenager but despite my bad habits and inability to wear makeup my family always believed in me. There wasn’t much to believe in but they always said one day I would come out of this.

My oldest brother and his now wife had the greatest impact on me. I will never forget after another episode of being caught for drinking my brother sat me down and told me, “God is going to use you for great things one day Tindell.” I almost fell out of my chair in laughter. It stayed with me though. His wife would tell me the same thing. Every time I got caught for something I shouldn’t have been doing they would tell me, “God made you for so much better, one day you are going to be used.”

The result, here I sit almost ten years down the road believing that God will used my scarred past for his kingdom. I have written a book and am pursing publishing because years ago my brother, parents, and sister in law told me that God can used even the greatest of sinners. My point is when you are younger or even older, it just takes one person pouring into you to make a difference. Who is God calling you to believe in? Maybe its the slightly awkward kid at youth group, or the rebel in the corner, or maybe you need someone to believe in you. Whatever it is we were made to build each other up and doing so shows the great love of Christ because after all he is your biggest fan.

  • Jennifer - This is beautiful girl. My parents told me the same thing growing up. It was hard to believe at first, but I know God can do amazing things through those who are willing. I'm excited for your book to come out!ReplyCancel

  • Kristin - i love this Tindell…love the way you write, love feeling connected to how God works in your life even though we've only ever been friends for 3 days :] ps your book photos are BEAUTIFUL!ReplyCancel

  • Tindell Baldwin - Thank you so much for the encouragement ladies! I love when people post comments!ReplyCancel

As I sat and journaled this morning I prayed for so many things. I realized in my praying that obedience to God comes through being obedient and in that you can answer others prayers. Let me explain,

Last week I prayed that God would take over control of my book. I was overwhelmed and underwhelmed and all kinds of whelmed with the publishing process. I sat down in utter frustration and told God “I can’t do this,” to which his reply was simple, “But I can.” So I prayed that he would do it. I told him all my fears and my concerns and told him how terrified I was because this is my heart on paper. He listened knowingly and that night I got a call from my dad.

This is the gist. A literary agent had agreed to read my manuscript (as a favor to my dad) and give me some advice. For those who don’t know the publishing process, like me, a literary agent is the one who gets your book to a publisher. Here’s the problem though I don’t have a lot of money to put into this project. Ben and I are saving for a house and life is expensive and so on and so on. So we put a tiny budget on getting my book ready to be published and asked God to do the rest.

Well this guy was nice enough to read my manuscript and actually liked it. He told me that he and his wife wanted to help me get my book published because he believed in the message. I was in shock. This is someone who has all the right know how to get my message out there. I read my email with the kind of God awe that comes with answered prayers.

I don’t know what will happen in this process but if nothing else God affirmed me that he is with me and he will handle it. This guy was simply there and listened to God and answered my prayer. What is God asking of you today? Whose prayer do you need to answer?

God calls us to be obedient daily and that means tuning in to learn what he wants from us. Even if its not pretty.

We went to passion in Fort Worth with expectant hearts. Ben and I had fallen into a spiritual rut and we needed a little God breath to pull us out of it. So we went to see Kristian and Kerri but mostly we went to learn and like God always does he showed up bigger than I could have imagined.

So here we are at passion the last night and John Piper brought us a message that I won’t even try to replicate but needless to say it was amazing. Then worship began and suddenly I was taken back to Passion 06, the year God changed my life forever and I began to walk with him. I looked around me and the venue was pretty much the same, the kids were still college kids, the volunteers had on similar bright orange shirts, but I wasn’t the same.
See five years ago I walked into a Passion conference so deep in sin that I couldn’t see the way out. I walked in so covered in chains I could barely hold my head up but I was there to hear my brother sing.  I had no idea who Louie was or Chris Tomlin, I wasn’t there for John piper and sadly I didn’t know Beth moore, I went to hear my brother sing. But in the moments and hours that followed my first step into the conference something in me changed. I changed. God came down and told me to walk away and threw the chains of sin off me and I’ve never been the same. So I looked around last night and I saw all the familiarity but I looked at my life and lifted my hands in praise because my life isn’t the same.  
Speakers are great. Musicians are great. Conferences are great. But Jesus he is life changing. Jesus is the name the will wreck your world and it might hurt and you might have to suffer for him but you will never regret it. My life changed in a lot of hard ways after 06 but looking back not one of them matters because my savior never left me. Five years later I can still lift my hands in praise and say, “Our God reigns, forever his kingdom reigns.”
  • Writingfor5 - I am so proud of you Tindell. So proud of the Truth you share and the growth that can be made through it!ReplyCancel

As I work to get my book ready to self publish I keep asking myself the same question “am I really ready to put this out there?” And I keep hearing the same answer, “life isn’t about you.” It doesn’t matter how hard I try to get this point through my thick scull I keep forgetting that, whenever God calls you to something its almost always painful but always worth it. Because these pages are filled with my heart, my story, and more importantly my Savior I keep asking myself if this will be worth it. More importantly what if people hate it? Does that mean they hate me?

All these questions keep running through my head and I don’t know how resolve it except to keep reminding myself that this process isn’t for me, about me, or have anything to do with me. These are the words God called me to write, my story that he called me to tell. So I will tell it.

We are all called to tell a story and most of the time your story comes from your greatest struggle. Whatever has caused you pain or made you grow as a person is most likely what God will ask you to use. If you had an absent father he will put you in a situation to minister to those in pain for the same reason. If you have a porn addiction he will ask you to tell your story to a group of men. If you are sick then you will be given people in your situation who need comfort and always need Jesus. As I always say God takes your misery and turns it into your ministry.

Today I met with a woman who was telling me the story of her marriage for one of my jobs. It was great but then she started telling me about how her twelve year old son knows girls that have sex (Dont ask me how). I was intrigued before, but now she had my heart racing. Because of my past I am passionate about teens not having sex until marriage. I got to share with her why I believed parents shouldn’t’ buy their kids condoms and more importantly I got to hear what her thoughts were about the issue. My misery to my ministry. I can only imagine that if ten people read my book I will get to have a few conversations about truth and that to me is worth putting my past out in the open for people to dissect, judge, and possible hate.

  • Writingfor5 - I am very excited for you to finish your book Tindell. Keep it going, you are a light.ReplyCancel

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