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Tindell Baldwin »

Enough for Today

Laundry in the washer, I am showered with enough make up to be presentable, baby toys are thrown in corners not as visible, dog resting on my bed, baby napping, dishes done, bible open. I read the words that mean everything to me

“Fear not, For I have redeemed you; I have called you by name… you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

No matter what the rest of my day holds this is enough for me right now. Its not overly poetic and the meaning screams at you. I don’t have to dig to understand it. It is my momentary grace, the words I need to resonate over me each day because when the demons come closer and the world starts to crumble and the brokenness is too much to bear my assurance is written in these words… Fear not. Oh but Lord there is so much to fear, health, bills, taxes, the economy… Fear not. He asks it of me so I must respond. He did not put in me a heart of fear but an overwhelming peace.

“For I have redeemed you”, those sweet words carry me far when my memories wander to the life I had before Christ. None of it matters now because, “for I have redeemed you” is my banner. It will be written on my soul for the rest of my days. He has redeemed me. I have no one who can judge because the God of this broken world sees me blemish free.

“I have called you by name”, he knows my name and yours. He doesn’t make a blanket call to all his sons and daughters he calls us by name. He knows each hair on my head, he knows my insecurities and my wants and even knowing all of that his final proclamation to me is simply this, “you are mine”. Such ownership, such joy, is there anything better than being claimed by someone. Its like the winning team has just asked me to join them (which if you have seen me doing anything athletic you know the true fantasy of this scenario). Despite my flaws, my failures, and my short comings, he calls me his. Today that is enough.

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  • jackie - Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for writing this. I admire how you can put your thoughts into words so eloquently. Love it!ReplyCancel

  • Micah Barrales - Thank you for this post!! It is very powerful and much needed!ReplyCancel

  • Anna Etheriedge - Perfectly filling and sweet to the taste. Thank you for sharing your heart, AnnaReplyCancel

  • Lynn - Thank you for reminding me who I belong to! I’ve been much too afraid of things that “might” happen. I can hear Him whispering to me, “Fear not” throughout this post. Thank you for being His messenger today! I will not fear!!ReplyCancel

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