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Tindell Baldwin »

Learning in Dallas

Again, i’m sitting a hotel room in Dallas, this time its the Westin so i am even cooler. (if you dont understand see post below) and I am wondering where my life is taking me. For the first time in my life i feel like i have a purpose. I have found a job doing what i would love and something that shockingly i might be good at. I sat at dinner tonight with people who are much more important than me and just talked to them. I used the skills my dad teaches every class but to me they are nature. I just talked, asked question, talked again, got a few email’s and called it a night. It was wonderful. It is what I strive for, building relationships. but it’s something I haven’t gotten to experience in a long time. I sat their tonight blown away by how much this was touching me, how much i really cared to be noticed, to be appreciated, and most of all be heard. I wish I could say it was deserved, that I had earned their recognition but the only thing i had was a name tag that stated that I was Tom’s daughter and Tom is the big shot. He teaches and they hang on every word because this isn’t what they were brought up knowing. That is what makes his approach so unique and that is what makes me want to work for him. I want to expand his influence so that he can reach more people. I want the story I heard tonight about how my dad helped a woman accept herself for who she was be the stories that resonate in the company’s motto.

Then again I have a lot of dreams. Right now I am just focused on getting my ideas out to his company and convincing him that it would be in his best interest to hire me. Then of course there is my God concept, am i pushing past what he wants for me? Right now I hear no but that could change in a few months, because with each life change we have to reevaluate what he thinks is best. Its a process im not used to. I like answers now. So ill pray and make one heck of a sales pitch next week. Prayers needed

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