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Tindell Baldwin »

Hello Storm

The wind whips through the tiny tree in my back yard and the clouds slowly cover the sun to remind me of what tomorrow is. Friday marks the pinnacle of Christianity, not just that God would form himself into a human but that he would die as one to save the sins of the world. No matter what the world says about Christianity it can’t deny that we serve a unique God. Because this day marks the day when he distinguishes himself from the crowd. On this day he steps out of the limelight to take up his cross and he performs the ultimate act of love. A pure and holy God sacrificed himself in the most gruesome way so that he could have a tiny chance of knowing you. Jesus stands out from every religion not just because he died and rose again but because his love for us was his greatest mission. He had no ulterior motive, no other reason to die that day, except to take my sins on his back and wash me clean. He gave up everything so that he might gain your heart. He knew a lot of the world would reject him but he didn’t care. He didn’t make a pro’s and con’s list to decide whether he would wear a crown of thorns. The maker of heaven and earth looked into your eyes and said “I want to know you and if that takes dieing in the most excruciating way possible to know you i’ll do it.” See we all know the easter story but do we really understand it? Have we grasped the idea that someone loves us that much? He had all of the choices in the world and he choose you. Maybe it’s just because i’m new to the whole Christian thing but that gets me. For some reason when Jesus paid it all comes on at church I can’t help but tear up because I know where I would be had it not been for that cross. Had he not paid it all I would be paying for eternity. That is amazing grace.

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  • Bobbi - Tindell…that is beautiful! And I still tear up when I hear Jesus Paid it All (or any of those other awesome worship songs). I also have tears flowing down my face as I read your heartfelt posts. You have such a gift, and we are so proud of you for putting it out there and sharing your heart and love for our awesome God. You are an amazing girl! We love you and Ben and miss you!! Aunt Bobbi and allReplyCancel

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