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Tindell Baldwin »

An open ended letter to my girl

To my girl;

I want to tell you about the world you are growing up in sooner rather than later, I want to sit you down and explain how harsh it is, I want to tell you that you are going to hear so many things and see so many things that are different from what you hear at home. I want to tell you that the world is backwards, that most everyone is missing the point. I want to apologize in advance for the fact that we will probably be those “weird parents” who care when you come home, what you wear, and if you are texting boys at 2am. I know you won’t understand it because you will look around and we won’t be like everyone else. We will want to eat dinners together and take family vacations without the constant buzz of electronics. I know your friends might not be the same. I know you will see things I don’t want you to see, hear things I don’t want you to hear, and be lied to by a world that seems to have your best interest at heart. Let me apologize right now while you sleep soundly in your crib for the times I can’t protect you, I can’t save, and I can’t run to your aid. As much as I would love to be the mom that sits with you in class and reminds you to eat your veggies before your cookies, even though I don’t do that, what I want more than that is for this world not to conquer you but for you to conquer it. Again this won’t make sense for a long time, I was like you once, I was innocent believing that this world could really give me something. I believed I knew better and I kicked and screamed when my parents told me no. It was a rough time but here I sit with a daughter of my own thanking your birdie and poppy for the legacy they let me pass down to you. See sweet girl it’s not just about being different and it’s not even about doing what’s right. No, it’s about someone who stepped in and made a way for it to be different. It’s about a Savior that came for my heap of sins and for your little life. It’s about a God who loved you and I so much he said you don’t have to be the same, I’ll give you hope. He gave you a value that the world is trying to take away. As I write this our culture is in shambles, little girls are being exploited and sex is being sold like a gallon of milk and I just needed you to know you are worth more. I hurt. I weep. I ache for the mothers and daughters who need to hear that. It’s your choice my love, I can’t make you meet the one who saved your soul but I can show you the alternative to the lies. So trust me in fifteen years like you do today, the way you will jump from the couch into my arms and know I will catch you. There will be a time when you question if my arms are there, you won’t trust, it will be hard. Just remember there’s a big picture you can’t see and even I can’t fully understand. Remember you are loved so much and no matter what goes on in this life up ahead of you there will always be one who came to die in your place. There will always be saving



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  • Mike Spessard - Wow Tindell. The way Christ expresses Himself through you is amazing. It’s a perfect balance of Grace, Truth and Light Your frankness and transparency are so refreshing in the Body that is more concerned about image and aires than it is about loving people where they are.
    Your baby girl is very blessed to have you as mommy. Someday she will realize that, and she will tell you.
    Your writing is a gift to all of us. Don’t stop… ever.

  • Noelle Wheat - Through my tears, I’m printing up your letter now,
    for my teenage daughters to read. Thank you for

  • Anna Etheriedge - OO OO OO I Loved this!!! Passing it on – AnnaReplyCancel

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