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Tindell Baldwin »

Let me start by saying that I have fully expected God to show up. I have been praying for signs and voices for the past few weeks. Every time we look at a new house or talk about our future I wait to hear the audible voice that I assume will direct me on my way. Then this morning I realized I clearly don’t know God as well as I thought I did.

One of my least favorite, but effective, things my parents did when I got in trouble (which was a lot) in high school was sit me down at the kitchen table and talk about the “Whys”. They wanted to know why I was doing the things I was doing instead of just what I was doing. They knew what I was doing but they wanted to know why because they cared about me. I was always grounded at the end but in those moments I knew they really loved me.

God does the same thing with us. He sits us down at the table and wants to know why. He doesn’t debate with you he just listens. He wants to know why because he loves you and he cares what you think. The day I demand God send me a sign from heaven without first talking it through with him is the day I have forgotten who God really is.  God wants to be involved in our decisions!

In my bible study this morning I read a story in Luke where Jesus walked with two men who were complaining that Jesus hadn’t shown up. It was only after they had gotten everything off their chest that Jesus revealed who he was. I don’t know but I imagine he wanted to give them the chance to vent… like any good friend.

At Church on Sunday I was reminded of the game “life”, the little blue and pink people that we would put on plastic cars and go through various “life” situations. Thinks like; you got married, you got a promotion, you bought a house, all made the game what it was which, in my opinion was much too long but that’s not the point. The point is I was watching the video that Buckhead church played this week where the little car drove through the designated spots and got various life accomplishments and I had to ask myself does my life look like this? Am I living one big board game where I travel through and get what the world tells me are important life steps or am I living a life for God that is so out of the ordinary that my life looks nothing like a board game. Will the most exciting thing that happens to me this year be that we buy a house or will it be that God moved in a tremendous way?

Here’s the thing, God wants us to have an extraordinary life, something that others look and say how could that happen?? And the only answer we can give them is, God. How did you provide when your income was less than what your bills were, God. How did you know that person needed prayer, God. How did you handle that devastating divorce, God. The list goes on and on but the truth remains the same. We can live our game board lives and miss out on all the curves and twists that make life worth living or we can live for a God that promises to do more that we can even imagine.

I say all of this because as I watched the game pieces on the screen I realized I was living a life that mirrored that of the game. Sure there was some twists along the way but I was too focused on what the world deemed as accomplishments. I was too focused on the promotions, the house, and when we would have the 2.5 kids to play in our picket fence yard. What I wasn’t focused on was where God wanted me to be, go, and do. What I wasn’t focused on was the life God had planned for me which is so much better that what I could ever think up.

Ephesians 3:19-21

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Before I started playing 666 casino games, my life back then was about sports, especially football. I attended my first Young Life event as staff member last Thursday night. Our team went to Centennial high school for the football game and had a tailgate before hand. It was a success but as I sat in the football game I was taken back to when I was seventeen. So many feelings swirling around working with these kids but mostly an overwhelming sense of how can I do this?

It made me think of the few Young Life encounters I had when I was in high school. While I was scrolling and reading something at wales 247, I learned important things, I’ll let you figure it out for yourself, if you’re involved in games and other things, I recommend you drop by and visit it. One in particular sticks out in my mind. I was leaving a football game, most likely drunk or high when one of the young life leaders came up to me. She tried to start a conversation with me and invite me to young life. I looked at her like she had four heads. Why would I attend young life? I hated Jesus. Oh how the times have changed. As I tried to muster up the courage to talk to girls I didnt know I couldn’t help but think back to that day.

I was overwhelmed thinking about trying to reach the “me’s” of high school. The kids that want nothing to do with Jesus. The kids in the stand who were most likely slightly drunk, heavily engaged in PDA, or desperatly trying to sit with the popular kids. It feels like yesterday I was back in those stands and now I am trying to show these kids who Jesus really is.

All this to say I won’t be able to do it. I can’t possibly convey to these kids that Jesus is cool. I have to daily rely on him to show himself through me. I know if I am who those kids see nothing will be accomplished but if they can see who I represent then maybe just maybe something will change. It’s a long road and a challenging one but its not up to me to change all these kids, just love them one at a time.

  • Courtney - YES!!! You are doing awesome, those kids don’t even realize what they got themselves into. Do it Tindell!ReplyCancel

  • Courtney - AWESOME!ReplyCancel

  • Ryan Smith - I LOVED going to games 🙂 Great job!!ReplyCancel

Last night I had an epic break down, the kind that only come with true self-pity and ultimate “I feel sorry for myself” tears. I cried for what felt like hours because I had believed a series of lies that had stopped me from doing what God has called me to.

1. I believed that my writing was going nowhere and what I made of myself didn’t actually matter.
2. I believed that my new jobs in youth ministry were a great mistake and how dare I think I could influence kids.
3. Mostly I believed I had to have it all together to make a difference in his kingdom.

My sweet husband soothed my tears and reassured me that God had called me to these things and he wouldn’t call me to something just to see me fail. More than anything though as I cried I could hear my savior whisper,” you don’t have to have it all together.”

I don’t know when I started believing that working in ministry meant having life perfected but somewhere along the way satan convinced me that ministry means perfection and, I am far from perfect. At some point I told myself I must have no emotional baggage and no personal problems otherwise how could I ever impact kids? To know this isn’t true all I have to do is read the bible (which I have been slacking on). The bible is filled with people who have stories like mine, woman who couldn’t get it together and men that faltered often. I am among great company.

However we seem to forget this. Somewhere along the way satan convinced Christians that to be a Christian means to perform when Christ says to be a Christian means to accept Grace. I am in need of grace, daily, hourly, to cover my grotesque sins and giant gaps of personal failure. However, if I didn’t need it then I wouldn’t need Jesus and the whole basis for my faith would be shattered. I need grace, and praise Jesus that I do.

So today I am rejecting those lies by finally taking the time to post a blog and get back into the swing of things. Today I am celebrating Isaiah 61 1-7

The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me.
He sent me to preach good news to the poor,
heal the heartbroken,
Announce freedom to all captives,
pardon all prisoners.
God sent me to announce the year of his grace—
a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies—
and to comfort all who mourn,
To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.

  • Bekka - First of all, loving the new design. Simple and understated but inspiring and beautiful.

    Secondly, I too know how easy it is to succumb to those little lies. They start off as small natterings in the back of my mind and grow until they’ve overshadowed my faith.

    Thank you for your encouragement. One thing that I like to remember is that it’s our “failings” that make us human and enable us to relate to other people and even help them. If we never experienced hardship, failure, despair, grief, etc., our offerings and empathy for those who have gone through those things tend to become meaningless and cliché.

    Thank you, again for sharing your heart. Blessings.ReplyCancel

  • Courtney - Tindell,
    I am so excited to read your blogs each time. God has mad you to be an excellent writer not just in the grammatical sense. you have the ability to “have a conversation” with your readers. Since moving here the two women who are the youth leaders at our church are my good friends. I have already told them about you and your book. You have support from Oahu!

    The blog looks awesome!!!ReplyCancel

  • Lisa T. - I too have believed those “little lies” along my journey………. but PLT there is POWER in Isaiah 61!!!!! SPEAK it!!!!
    In Zambia, Greer asked us to put our own “name” in the verse every time we see the word…….”me”……………..
    The WORD is TRUTH, thankfully, satan is NOT.ReplyCancel

  • Katherine Stegall - Tindell,
    Not only do I believe that you have a God given gift for reaching teenage girls but your message gives hope to the parents of lost and/or troubled young girls. Your blog encourages me to stay in constant prayer for my daughter. I believe that, as you speak of your sweet relationship with your own mother, that my daughter will also know that I am her biggest supporter.
    thank you for your encouraging messages!ReplyCancel

    • tindellbalwin - Katherine,

      Thank you so much for your encouragement! I’m so glad God has been able to use my message. I can’t tell you what it means for a daughter to know that they have their mothers support. It has made a huge impact in my life.

      God Bless!ReplyCancel

I still remember the first time I heard a preacher talk about sex; I was just coming out of my great rebellion and searching for a Jesus I could really get on board with. I was visiting my oldest brother at a youth camp he was leading and I loved the talks. We had fun snorkeling in the ocean, and in case you were wondering Destin does have a great variety of sea creatures. Each night I would sit with my sister in law in the back and watch proudly as my brother pointed thousands of kids to the Lord. When the speakers came on I would write furiously in my journal, anxious to learn about my new faith. In true church form fashion they had a “sex talk” on the last night of camp, nothing like a sex talk to get kids all confused and then sending them home to mom and dad.

It was a woman speaking and she got on stage and started talking about all the reasons why you shouldn’t have sex until marriage, the dos and don’ts kind of talk. I kept waiting to hear something for the kids who had already screwed up, something for most of the kids sitting in the crowded auditorium. There was nothing. I started to wonder, was God’s grace not enough for the kids who had already crossed that line? Are you telling me that God’s hand is mighty to save but oh wait not that mighty? I left feeling dejected and confused something I often felt in church. I couldn’t help but wonder how many girls were left feeling the same thing, how many told had themselves well I guess there is no hope for me?

I decided that night if I was ever lucky enough to talk to kids about sex then I would tell them what people often forget to say, God’s grace is enough and not only is it enough but it can wash you clean. If you have already been there and are wondering how you will ever be whole again then take heart, God can heal you. Sex is a different kind of sin, it’s much harder to heal from but that doesn’t mean that Jesus didn’t take it to the cross like everything else. If God knew that sex would be the one sin that could separate you from him then he would have found a way to rectify it. He would have never left the earth with that kind of outstanding debt. When Jesus was hanging on the cross the man next to him, a robber, asked him to remember him in heaven Jesus didn’t hesitate instead he said,

43 “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43

That is the God we serve, he didn’t ask questions, he didn’t need a list of sins, he knew the man had sinned, he was hanging on the cross next to him but instead Jesus assured him a place with him. We serve a God that big, he can forgive the sins of the world and Sexual sin is no different, just because you were covered in shame yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t be smothered in grace today. Walking away from sexual sin is no different than walking away from any other sin. It starts with grace followed by a decision. Its a choice you can make to preserve your heart for your husband. Even if you have already walked down the road God can make a cut through.

  • Marni Arnold - Ahhhh Tindell…did you see my repost today on my blog? Oh my gosh if we weren’t on the same wavelength today! This post oozes with graceful truth…and I hope it reaches many. It reached me thus far and confirmed that He did indeed heal me from my shame over my sexual sin. Thank you for offering this reminder! So beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Ashley Cheatham - Wow, I have been feeling this exact way within the church. A real emphasis needs to be placed on grace. That no matter what you have done, you can be forgiven. God forgives those who are in prison for things we can’t even fathom,as long as they ask. And how dare we think He can’t forgive our sexual sins as well?! I often wonder if we are too guilty to ask for forgiveness. There have been times when I have been hurting so much from my sin that I feel I can’t ask, the guilt is too much. You are right that “God is that big.” He is bigger than guilt, bigger than shame, and bigger than any sin we can commit against Him. Praise Jesus that He took on the sins of the world so we DON’T have to suffer in shame! Thanks for writing this! It needs a place in the church just as much as the “sex talks.” 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Ashley Cheatham - Wow, I have been feeling this way in the church as well. Emphasis really needs to be placed on God’s grace, especially for sexual sin. God forgives those in prison who have done things we can’t even fathom, just because they ask. How dare we think He won’t forgive our sexual sin as well?! I know for me extreme guilt was tied to my sexual sin. The guilt hurt so much I felt like I couldn’t ask for forgiveness. Even when I finally did, guilt crept in and over and over. Now every time I think about it I begin to pray. You are right about “God is that big.” He is bigger than guilt, bigger than shame, and bigger than any sin we can commit against him. Praise Jesus that he could bear the sin of the world! Thanks for writing this! Grace needs to go right along with the “sex talk.” 🙂ReplyCancel

    • tindellbalwin - Great point! So glad you enjoyed!ReplyCancel

    • Bella - Very Good!How's this quote I found by John G Lake – too many ppleoe are preaching his RESPONSE to revelation, instead of preaching the SOURCE OF his revelation (…which is Grace):"There is a consciousness, that seems to me by the Word of God and by my own personal experience, that must be possessed where any individual can enter into the direct presence of God and receive the baptism of the Spirit.That is the consciousness of sinlessness. The consciousness that your sins are gone…I tell you, beloved, that the external evidences of God and the power of His Spirit, no matter how wonderful, are a small matter compared with the consciousness of the Word of God in the human heart; in your heart and mine, bless God…" (John G Lake)John G Lake understood the Grace of God, and who he was because of Jesus's sacrifice, and THAT'S what bore fruit in his life!ReplyCancel

  • Amanda Milligan - Wow, that is amazing, I stumbled on this blog by accident and tears rolled freely down my cheeks reading that. I’ve had a quick look at your book too and I think what you have done is great. The thing is perhaps by teaching grace, girls in that situation can be helped not to repeat the errors of their past which can lead to downward spiral with serious consequences that can shape their life. Praise God for the Jesus who paid it all on the cross, ALL on the cross. And thank you for sharing this so openly and I hope your story and ongoing work for the Lord shows many young girls Jesus.ReplyCancel

A year and half ago God woke me up and told me to start a blog. My first post was about my mom.


February 10, 2 010 
I don’t remember life before my mom was sick. I can remember her first episode, as we would come to call them, my dad took us Peidmont park near the hospital and gave us Mcdonalds to ease the pain of spending Saturday in the hospital. I was about six so all I cared about was the toy in the happy meal but it would take quite a few happy meals to get through my child hood and even more visits to the hospital. The doctors deemed her first visit as dehydration and told her to go home and rest, an oxymoron for a woman with four small children. She did her best but it seemed that every time she would start to get better something else would happen and her episodes would come back, Migraines that would last for days, fevers, chills, and extreme fatigue. My childhood was filled with memories of my mother in bed and I quickly appointed myself as her full time nurse. It was all I could do that would give either of us some relief. I had memorized the grocery store isles by the time I was seventeen from all my grocery visits and I had educated my self about health in every way possible. On the really bad days when she couldn’t get out of bed I would sit with her getting new ice packs every time one would get warm. I think I thought I could cure her with Ginger Ale and aspirin. The years flew by as they always do and she spent most of them going from doctor to doctor hoping for some answers. New symptoms would come up every few months and just when they would think they were close something would add up. Each doctor seemed to have a different theory of why she was sick and each doctor was left puzzled by inconclusive test. After a few years they told her she had chronic fatigue, which has no cure and no treatment.
It seemed she would have to spend her life in this condition. Frustration could have ruled my mothers life but if you know her you know that she has strength and grace that could only come from God. She chose to make the best of her life by investing every ounce of her into our family. She attended every soccer game, baseball game, track event, and concert that she could. When I reached my teenage years and began to rebel she did everything she could to show me how much she loved me, including coaching my high school rec league soccer team of fifteen crazy girls. My mom never gave up hope that answers would come and even after a dozen failed attempts at a healthy life she never gave up. We all managed to grow up happy and healthy with a mother who never put her self first. Life seemed to follow a familiar pattern for my brothers and I all the while she was at a standstill, hoping for answers. We grew up, left home, got engaged, married, and moved away.
While our lives seemed to be just starting my moms life work was coming to a close. It was at this point that she took a turn for the worse. Her good days were far and few in between and there were even a few trips to the hospital when her pain was too much to bear. I couldn’t be the nurse my mom needed anymore and I had to learn to trust that God was with her. She was prayed over countless times by our family and church members, we trusted God knew why he had brought her here. Of all the kids I struggled the most amidst my moms illness, I couldn’t face the fact that my God might have allowed this to happen. I couldn’t believe in his holy perfect plan and watch my mom suffer day to day. In the years after high school my mom had become my best friend and watching a friend hurt is harder than dealing with your own pain. Answers were coming though, just not the answers I wanted.
She finally had a test come back positive which lead the doctors to believe that she had a tumor on her adrenal glands and when they did a CT scan it showed a growth on her left adrenal gland. Years of hurting had finally been put to rest. My mom was overjoyed that she might be able to live the life she lost almost 21 years ago. The rest of us were hoping for different answers. Even though it is most likely not cancerous the idea of a tumor is never comforting. While her battle with health might come to a close she has learned something we ofter forget. Faithfulness. My mom had not wavered in her commitment to love God even on her greatest days of pain.
My mom lives out Romans 12:12
“Be Joyful in hope, Patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer”

Yesterday my mom finally had the surgery that will hopefully change her life. It turns out the tumors were on her parathyroid glands and the disease is called M.E.N 1. Its a rare genetic disorder that causes migraines, fevers, fatigue, and a range of other symptoms. Its been a long time coming but God has once again proven faithful and my mom will finally get the healing we have been praying for. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!

God Bless,

Tindell Baldwin

  • Bekka - Praying for speedy recovery for your mother from the surgery, and also that it has the desired results.


  • Courtney - How wonderful for you, her, your dad, everyone. This is so amazing. Your mom is such a beautiful person. Every time I’ve been around her or heard about her God uses her to move me. I am so so excited for you all.ReplyCancel

Let me start this by saying I try not to do post like this too often. I try to keep this blog centered around what God has done in my life and in the lives of others but today I just had to share this story…

We had to move again in houston, in 100 degree weather when there is a heat advisory and I have tendonitis in my foot from surgery. I’m instructed not to move heavy objects and last time I didn’t listen to my doctor and moved anyway is the reason I still have tendonitis today. So we decided to hire movers. We went on Craiglist (mistake number one) found a company that had good (made up) reviews and hired them to move our stuff into our temporary apartment.

So they arrived hand us a contract and start moving hurriedly around our house wrapping our large stuff up and throwing it in the truck. We didn’t think anything of the contract and being two trusting people we signed it and moved on. So we get our stuff in the truck and got to our new place. When we got to our new place the guy handed us a bill for 2000 and told us if we didnt pay then we would never see our stuff again. To make a long story short after we had signed the contract the guy had gone back to the truck and written in that we owed them 100.00 per large item. Since we had signed it we couldn’t call the police.

So we paid them. To get them out of our house and get our stuff back. After we paid them we were sitting upstairs fuming and I hear what sounds like a car pulling away, we run downstairs and find that they have put all of our stuff on the curb and driven off. Ben chased down the Uhaul and jumped on it before they could leave the apartment. He told them the truth, that what they were doing was wrong and that they should think long and hard about their lives. He was the bigger man and I was prouder than ever to be his wife.

So after 2000 dollars we still had to move everything ourselves.

To say I was upset would be a hellish understatement I was fuming. Not only had we been taken advantage of but these guys knew where we lived they knew how to get into our apartment and all I could think was what if they came back. Its not entirely rational but the feeling of fear crept so far inside of me I made Ben teach me how to use the shotgun later that day.

After it was all said and done we sat down together and prayed, it was the only thing we knew to do when the world comes at you full force. We prayed we wouldn’t harbor bitterness and we prayed that God would heal our hurt.

All this to say it was the first time someone who I hadn’t love had really hurt me. It was the first time I felt entirely helpless in this crazy world and it was the first time I had really struggled to forgive. Forgiving is easier when you are invested in the relationship but forgiving a stranger is understanding you will never be paid back for your hurt. I will never see this men again ( Lord willing) and I pray I don’t but more than anything I pray they change. I pray that other people don’t get hurt and I pray I would learn to truly forgive them.

I have spent my whole life learning and talking about grace but these are the moments that really test my faith. Do I really trust God enough to let him be the God of justice or will I take it on myself to bring justice? Today I choose to give grace but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

  • Shannon Scott - oh. my. word. i am totally freaked out by this story and am so sorry that this happened! the comfort certainly comes in knowing that nothing touches us that is not first sifted through the hand of our sovereign God. praying for much comfort, peace and freedom from fear. also praying that through this journey, you’ll be given much food for thought that will overflow in your writing to encourage others! God TRULY is our refuge and strength!ReplyCancel

    • tindellbalwin - Thank you so much! I had to share this because I think we have all had a time when we live in fear and fear is not from the Lord. Thank you for your words of encouragement!
      God Bless,


  • Bekka - Wow, I think you’ve already shown a lot of grace by not posting the names/company name of the scammers. Unfortunately, that’s a painful lesson to learn – both in the financial and in the physical sense. Praying for fast recovery and for peace.ReplyCancel

  • Suzanne - Tindell, I’m glad you shared this. I was wondering what happened. I’m sorry this happened to you guys. I can’t imagine the betrayal you must feel. I’ll pray you’ll continue to be able to forgive each day. I’m pretty sure I’d be going back and forth between cussing and praying – just being honest. I always think if Christ was perfect and didn’t defend himself when betrayed, wow, such a process for us every day. Again, I’m glad you shared.ReplyCancel

    • tindellbalwin - Thank you so much! Its an awful feeling being taken advantage of but nothing we can do about it now. I have definitely gone back and forth between cussing and praying. Its a process but we will survive. Just ready to be out of texas!ReplyCancel

  • Bekka - Wow, you’ve already shown them a lot of grace by not identifying them for the world to see. Unfortunately, that was a very painful lesson, both financially and physically. Praying for speedy recovery and peace.ReplyCancel

  • Brandon - That is crazy! God will get them back though…all you can do is fogive even though it is hard.

    I recently had the same thing happen (but on a much smaller scale). I purchased a new electric guitar. It was only a few days before a worship night I had to lead. The guitar needed a major adjustment. I took it to the local shop, and they gave me a decent price to fix everything. When I received the call to pick it up, it was everything but fixed! It was actually worse. I paid them a set-up fee to receive a worse-off guitar! I was pretty mad! Also, they replaced some of my nice screws and hardware with old rusty hardware just to steal off of me!

    I had to realize that God still blessed me with a guitar. I took it to another shop, and they fixed it for free because of what had happened! God provided!ReplyCancel

  • Ross Hudson - Hey Tindall,

    I had to say “Amen” to your experience with shady movers. We had a very similar experience…not quite as bad…only cost us an extra $250 CASH (try to find that on Sat night!) and we did get all our things moved. Really sorry you had to have a similar experience but it appears you’re letting the Lord use it in a profitable way. Keep the Faith…He is Faithful! “Be not weary in well doing for in due time you WILL reap your reward.”
    Wish you and Ben a fruitful finish to 2011.ReplyCancel

I spent my years as a rebellious teen trying to ruin the only relationships that really mattered. I walked away from God to live my life of “freedom” only to be shackled by sin and ruled by bad decisions and I made sure that my family was my last priority. I told myself that they were the ones holding me back from true happiness and if they would just let me stay out all night and drink even though I was seventeen I would be happy. I told myself that they were the problem.

I put myself first in every decision I made so one Tuesday when my mom was sick again and she asked me to pick up my little brother I didn’t think twice when I got drunk instead. I drove home smelling of vodka and forgot to pick up my brother. So my mom with her 102 fever and migraine had to get out of bed and go get him herself. These were the kind of things I spent my high school years doing. I had parties when they were out of town, I refused to tell them I loved them, and when my mom really needed me I was too drunk to help.

They never gave up though. They never stopped believing that I would come back around. My brother always told me that God was going to use me for great things. My dad took me on dates when I was grounded for months on end and my mom would meet me for lunch when I was having bad days.  Out of three brothers and two loving parents, no one gave up on me.

Then I found my savior at a Passion Conference my freshman year of college and knew I had some apologies to make. For the first time in years my soul felt free but I knew I had done a lot of wrong. I didn’t know how my family would find the strength to forgive me. There was so much to forgive.

When Christmas time rolled around we were all gathered around saying what we were thankful for and when it got to me I held my new bible that my parents had just given me and looked into the faces of the people that loved me most. I saw what we most often forget about family and I said the first thing that came to mind. With tears in my eyes I said, “I’m thankful for our family’s unconditional love.”  My dad stood first and gave me a bear hug as I cried and responded with what they had always believed, “you were easy to love.”

It wasn’t until I looked back that I realized what second chance I had been given. My family lived by grace and knew that unconditional love was what God had called us to. Even though I didn’t deserve one ounce of their grace they let it flow freely, and when I came back around they embraced me as part of the family that I had always tried to run from. Five years later we are all closer than I ever thought possible and I am still most thankful for their unconditional love and for a second chance.

  • Chris Spradlin - Love it! Your parents sound amazing. Would love to have you guest post for EP if your interested. I’ll be in touch.ReplyCancel

  • Brandon - Wow! What a great story!ReplyCancel

  • Heather - I just cried reading this. I’ve received the same grace from my family.ReplyCancel

  • Loving a Rebellious Child. « Raising A Generation - […] There’s a story I want to share with you.  It’s about a girl who ran from God and her family.  A girl who put love and grace to the test.  It’s a story of Tindell Baldwin(sister of worship leader Kristian Stanfill). […]ReplyCancel

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