Whenever people hear that I want to write a book they always ask the same questions, “what’s it about” and when I tell them it will hopefully reveal truth to teenage girls they ask, “so its a self help book”? I pray it is not, I am not a counselor or believe to have any kind of divine wisdom I am just using what I do have. I have a story. A story that begins in darkness and ends in brilliant light. I know a story that beats all of the odds and proves that God is a God who is mighty to save. The wonderful thing about stories is that Jesus was a story teller himself, he took life lessons and told them in a way that people would be able to grasp, he told them in story form. I might not remember all of Romans but I know all of the bible stories I was taught as a child.
Stories resonate in something that simple advice cannot, I believe its because we all want to know someone understands, we want to know that other people are going down the same path as us. Because some times the path is dark and when its dark, life is scary alone. I wrote this to tell you that you are not alone, I wrote this because you need to know that God can use you despite your past, despite whatever lies you might have embraced and more than that he desperately wants to use you. He can make you squeaky clean, and while it might take a Brillo pad to do so let me promise you that it is worth it in the end.
The prodigal son is a story most of us have heard but no matter how many times I hear it I always get choked up in the end, when his father runs our to meet him despite his wretched failures. If you don’t understand why God could ever love you like that then you’ve missed something huge. He is your father, and while some earthly parents have really screwed up that meaning, to him it is a divine devotion that comes no matter the circumstances. He knows where you’ve been, he knows you have squandered his gifts and yet he comes running. He knows where your head has laid and he knows you have broken his rules, and yet he comes running. He knows you have abandoned his love at times and spit on his blessings and still he comes running. He will always come running. He doesn’t sit at the end of the driveway, arms crossed tapping one foot, waiting to give a lecture. He runs at you full force until you collide into his amazing love. He weeps with you for your hurt, he comforts you with his unearned gifts, and he takes you into his arms where you belong. You belong in his arms, not the arms of the stranger or in the chains of sin, you belong safely nuzzled in your fathers arms. He will clean your wounds and dress your shame, he will bless your return home to him even if yesterday you were lying with the pigs. That’s what your heavenly father does.
I believe if God would sit down to talk to me he would want to hear my story, even though he already knows it. I ‘m sure he appreciates the theology but what he really cares about is your heart and what better way to reveal that then starting with your story.
kristinbolt - Hi! I'm Kristin, and I honestly have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog! Must be a God thing (: But this post was so wonderful for me..I'm a college student and I will be a senior this year, which is scary to say the least! I have no idea what the Lord is doing, but I'm trusting Him. That's easy to say..but hard to do sometimes! Anyways..sorry I'm rambling, but thank you for writing. It's great 😀
Tindell Baldwin - I'm sorry it has taken me this long to see your comment but im so glad that you enjoyed it! Hang in there he will reveal him self in due time.
storey - write it! write it! so many girls would be blessed by it! miss you guys! glad to not be spending time with you in the hospital but sad to not be seeing you.