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Tindell Baldwin »

The Art Of Praise

We don’t praise him from our lips so that we can hear our own voice, we don’t lift up our hands so that he might actually come closer, and we don’t express our overwhelming gratitude to feed some ego or alter some event.

We lift up praise so that he can pour out life.

We lift up praise because in the midst of heartache, in the midst of despair, in the midst of my brokenness I need to praise.

 I need to pour out who I am and what I want at the feet of the only one who can tell me who I am.

 I praise him because the bitterness that threatens to squeeze the life out of my fragile heart is always upon me.

 Poor situations and bad circumstances can always be found.

Pain is just moments away so I lift my hands, not in the hopes that he might come closer because he lives in me, but in the hopes that I might remember just how grateful I am.

 I sing the songs and I breathe the prayers because my heart needs to be refreshed today.

 I lift up cries and tears and aches and pains and he reminds me of the beauty of who he is and how he finished it all.

 He reminds me that I am loved, that I belong, and that he won’t get it wrong.

 In the midst of deep pain we must praise the most, sing the loudest, and practice the art of gratitude. God knows who he is, he doesn’t need to be reminded of his holiness, he needs us to remind ourselves of his love.

God doesn’t need my praise, he is not dependent on it. I need it. I need it like I need air, praise fills my lungs and my heart and reminds me that I have been given all I will ever need.

 So I lift my hands and say a continual thank you not for what could come but for what I have already been given.

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  • Claire - Thanks. There are times when I feel unworthy of communication with God through praise, like my mistakes can somehow keep me out- so self-focused. It is good to remember that my heart is moved. God does a work in my heart. We are always on the receiving end. Why would I want to let anything keep me from the miracle of corporate worship? Well written!ReplyCancel

  • Anna Etheriedge - Perfect timing. I couldn’t seem to find even one minute to read emails yesterday, but God had this for me today! Totally convicted to stop and just praise Him… even though nothing’s changed… simply because of who He is! Thank you Tindell. PS- I keep sharing your wonderful book and getting words of blessing in feedback. Your story offers tremendous healing. Way to go for being obedient! AnnaReplyCancel

  • Mary Ann Laverty - So well written-beautiful! And I loved your book!! Thank you for sharing your gifts and your heart.ReplyCancel

  • Stacy Parker - Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your story. Your book has touched our family. We met you years ago at Big Stuf and you and your mom came to our little church in Sumter, SC to share with our mothers and daughters. You reminded us all through your beautifully written book how awesome our creator is and the true meaning of Jeremiah 29:11. Blessings to you!ReplyCancel

    • Tindell Baldwin - Thank you Stacy! Loved meeting everyone from Sumter, I remember that day well.
      God bless

  • Danny - Tindell, I purchased your book with the intention of “skimming it” to see if it might be beneficial to purchase for my female high school leaders and found myself reading it. To the point that I read it cover to cover just today.

    I do feel a bit awkward posting this on your blog, especially as it’s a book written to girls, 🙂 but your transparency and story has served to bless and encourage my heart greatly today. My heart longs to positively impact the teens God has brought into my life and I truly believe your book will help me serve my wife, female friends and students in a better way.

    I just ordered a book for each of my female leaders and will certainly be sharing your book and story in the days to come!

    Also, I had no clue that you were related to Kristian until the end of the book. I have dear friends that have been involved with Ristee Church in Estonia so I’ve heard great reports of how God has used him in their lives!

    How awesome to see how God can turn our mess into a message!!!ReplyCancel

    • Tindell Baldwin - Danny,
      Thank you! What an encouragement! It can be for boys too I guess 🙂 Thanks for sharing with the girls you know! That makes me so happy to hear it is being used as the resource I intended it to be.

      God Bless

  • manicle - the art of praising the Lord is indeed not just a thing we mutter with our lips. It comes from a heart irrespective of its present situation. Gud work, TindellReplyCancel

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