Tomorrow is my wonderful husbands birthday and before we jet off to yet another destination I had to sit down and honor him with a few words. I thought I knew a lot about life until I married Ben, and then I realized he knew a lot and I only knew a lot about my little world. Marriage will do that to you, humble you, especially when you are married to a genius engineer who can beat you at any and every game (except putt putt). I thought I knew about laundry and cooking, until I shrunk one too many of Ben’s shirts and made both of our dogs vomit with one of my chicken dishes (and one of our dogs eats stuffing). I thought I knew how to play Mario, thanks to three brothers, but then Ben and I got a wii and once again he surpassed my playing ability. I thought I knew how to have fun, really enjoy life, until Ben and I found our selves knee deep in a pond trying to catch ducks. I thought I knew how to let the little things go until Ben left the toilet seat up and for some reason it really bothered me. I thought I knew how to garden until Ben had to remind me that without water flowers die. I thought I knew how to be selfless until Ben worked overtime just so he could take the day off for my birthday. No matter what I think I know, Ben always seems to know more.
I still remember the first time I heard a preacher talk about sex; I was just coming out of my great rebellion and searching for a Jesus I could really get on board with. I was visiting my oldest brother at a youth camp he was leading and I loved the talks. We had fun snorkeling in the ocean, and in case you were wondering Destin does have a great variety of sea creatures. Each night I would sit with my sister in law in the back and watch proudly as my brother pointed thousands of kids to the Lord. When the speakers came on I would write furiously in my journal, anxious to learn about my new faith. In true church form fashion they had a “sex talk” on the last night of camp, nothing like a sex talk to get kids all confused and then sending them home to mom and dad.
It was a woman speaking and she got on stage and started talking about all the reasons why you shouldn’t have sex until marriage, the dos and don’ts kind of talk. I kept waiting to hear something for the kids who had already screwed up, something for most of the kids sitting in the crowded auditorium. There was nothing. I started to wonder, was God’s grace not enough for the kids who had already crossed that line? Are you telling me that God’s hand is mighty to save but oh wait not that mighty? I left feeling dejected and confused something I often felt in church. I couldn’t help but wonder how many girls were left feeling the same thing, how many told had themselves well I guess there is no hope for me?
I decided that night if I was ever lucky enough to talk to kids about sex then I would tell them what people often forget to say, God’s grace is enough and not only is it enough but it can wash you clean. If you have already been there and are wondering how you will ever be whole again then take heart, God can heal you. Sex is a different kind of sin, it’s much harder to heal from but that doesn’t mean that Jesus didn’t take it to the cross like everything else. If God knew that sex would be the one sin that could separate you from him then he would have found a way to rectify it. He would have never left the earth with that kind of outstanding debt. When Jesus was hanging on the cross the man next to him, a robber, asked him to remember him in heaven Jesus didn’t hesitate instead he said,
43 “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43
` That is the God we serve, he didn’t ask questions, he didn’t need a list of sins, he knew the man had sinned, he was hanging on the cross next to him but instead Jesus assured him a place with him. We serve a God that big, he can forgive the sins of the world and Sexual sin is no different, just because you were covered in shame yesterday doesn’t mean you can’t be smothered in grace today. Walking away from sexual sin is no different than walking away from any other sin. It starts with grace followed by a decision. Its a choice you can make to preserve your heart for your husband. Even if you have already walked down the road God can make a cut through.
Tindell, thank you for this.
I often try to run from my past but there are some days it hits me right in the face. I am a different person now, determined to live a different life but I can’t forget the mess God found me in. The news on CNN reminds me how close I can to never being able to tell my story. I only believe I am alive today because of my praying family, a God who is mighty to save, and the still quiet voice reminding me who I really belonged to.
As we sat in the funeral my sister in law weeped. I sat stone cold, a sobering reminder that I could end up just the same. I could end up in that coffin, letting my addictions over rule me. She wasn’t much older than me, living the same type of life that I was living just a little more severe. Her boyfriend had run off the road because he was on drugs and they had both died. More tears and memories of what a wonderful girl she was. I couldn’t believe I was sitting here. I held my moms hand saying a silent prayer that my mom would never have to go through this. I wanted to change, I knew my lifestyle was dangerous but I couldn’t help but think it wouldn’t happen to me. She was into serious drugs but I was just drinking, I kept telling myself that to justify the fear. My sister in law sat next to me, silently crying for her sweet friends death.
I tell you the flip side of my story because when I was fifteen I thought nothing could touch me. I was gambling my life with each shot, each time I drank and drove, each time I smoked another joint. I was taking the chance that I might not see college. I took the chance of not meeting my husband, not watching my brothers have kids, not going to my family weddings. I gambled my life and by the grace of God he chose to let me stay for a story. This is one of the reasons I feel so strongly about telling my story, because I feel like God let me run from him so I could give you a picture of the modern prodigal.
“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. “
Fifteen is a lonely place to be, constantly surrounded by competition and boys wanting all the wrong things. You are almost lucky if you make it out alive. I have never felt more lost than when I attended high school football games as a freshman. I had to be driven there by my parents, who went because my brother was the quarter back, and I would meet my one best friend by the lollipop stand. We would wander through the crowds looking for girls to talk to or older boys to look at. All the popular kids our age had one place that they hung out, in the corner by the concession stand. Normally girls would be there with their boyfriends, sometimes older guys, and it always ended up some couple was chanted into doing their first kiss in front of everyone. They would peck and the tiny crowd would erupt in applause. I had even heard of some girls going down to the practice field, behind the stadium, to make out with their boyfriends. I wasn’t in this group although I desperately wanted to be.
All you are asking for at fifteen is to belong, to be loved, and to be a part of something. I wanted to be loved, but not for a night for a lifetime. I wanted to be found beautiful, but because of who I was not what I looked like. I wanted a community where I could be vulnerable, not just Friday night friends. I wanted so much and my Christian life seemed to provide me with so little.
“What gets your attention determines your loyalty.”
Dear Beloved,
I know you are struggling with how to forgive, I know you want to but you just don’t think you can. You don’t think you have the strength but never forget that I do. I can show you how to forgive the wrongs that have been done against you so that you can have peace again. Every time you pray to me I can see this wound festering, begging me to brings my healing ointment. Child I can not heal what you will not reveal to me. I can not mend a wound that you refuse to acknowledge. Ignoring the pain will only make it worse, you cannot go on living like this. Forgiving does not mean you are accepting the behavior or that you are ready to mend the relationship it just shows them that I live in you. I have the power to help you forgive, I have the ability to mend the brokenness in your heart. What happened to you was terrible and I weep for the wrongs done against you but I long for relief for my child. I long to give you peace again. I long to show you what strength you have in me. You have great strength but this is sucking the life out of you. Child it is harder to give forgiveness that to harbor bitterness but anger when left unattended becomes bitterness and it will seep into every part of your life. Don’t become bitter my love, forgive like I have forgiven you. Remember so many months ago when I found you on your knees, you needed my forgiveness and I didn’t think twice. I welcomed you with open arms. They need the same from you, take it step by step, I promise I will be there the whole time. Just say the words you heart is begging of you, I forgive you. Then we will go from there. I will write tomorrow but for now remember these words.
Faithfully yours,
God of Grace
Ephesians 4:32 James 5:16
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as Christ forgave you. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective
I don’t quite know how to start this post. I guess I should start by saying I have always believed in family, very strongly. I believed that if you love each other enough that you can fend off the bad. I believed that if you stayed focused on God then satan would stay out. I prided myself on an honest relationship with the people I cared most about and I believed that I could change peoples idea of family by projecting my idea of our “perfect family”. Then in one earth shattering revelation God reminded me why we can’t put our hope in humanity. God made me stop talking for a little while and listen to him. He reminded me that we all need God. He reminded me why he is a God of grace and mostly he reminded me how flawed we all are.
Dear Beloved,
I wanted to tell you I hear your cries. I wanted to promise you that I will remain a rock and your fortress in this tough time. Last night I let the rain fall on your broken heart so you would know that you are not alone. Oh how I remember the feeling of being alone. The night before I died for you I was praying to my father and my best friends fell asleep. I felt so alone. Beloved, you are not alone. I promised I would never leave you and I will stick to my promises. I know you have been hurt by humanity I know you are having a hard time trusting the good will of men but take heart, I am neither man or woman instead I am your prince of peace. Oh my child I wish this evil world were not so but I will be there to hold your hand in any way I can. I know this burden is heavy and your heart is full of anger but let me hold you up for awhile. Let me take your burden and wipe your tears. Let me cry with you through this season and when it is over I will bring the sun and we can bask in healing. How I hate to watch you hurt but let me promise you that I have a plan even in this. Remember my pain? Remember what I went through? All of my friends and family couldn’t understand, they were angry and hurt but then I revealed to them my fathers plan for redemption. I rose and my plan was complete and glory shone from earth to heaven. Child this is no different, suffering will soon fade into my glory. I will write tomorrow but for now remember these words.
Faithfully yours,
Father to the Fatherless
Pslam 44:1,5,10
God is your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.
God is within her she will not fall. God will help her at daybreak
Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted in all the nations, in all the earth
This is beautiful! I love your heart, words and you Tindy.